(310) 740-1312 Jean@JeanFranzblau.com


Break out the popcorn.

A fitness company brought me on board to design their leadership curriculum, and I created over 30 training videos for them. One video included a re-enactment of a manager handling an employee performance problem. The final product below was used in the classroom to spark group discussions.






I wrote, directed, performed and edited this video about boundaries and consent. The challenge was to find the right tone to help learners approach what can be a “touchy” subject. (This video and the events mentioned are part of a community project that I founded.)


If you’re looking for an instructional designer who can write comedic material, I’ve included the piece below for you. I wrote, produced and performed in this vintage circa 1999 parody video when internet dating was not yet socially accepted.

Internet Dating: The Seminar



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